Thursday, October 21, 2010

thirty, boobs, pores, pimples and wrinkles

I remember when I thought thirty was old. It wasn't that long ago. Ummm... 4 months ago. :) Seriously, I remember growing up how old thirty seemed. Then I turned thirty and realized I was still young. Really young. Especially compared to millions of others that are over thirty! But then today I started noticing something. Then something else. Then something else. It just kept going!

I looked in the mirror today while I was putting on my necklace and realize, in horror!!! that I have GRANNY BOOBS! They are like my ex-mother-in-laws!!! I have WRINKLES above my cleavage! And they sag. They have sagged for a while. But the wrinkles above my cleavage. That is just wrong. Just wrong. Finished looking in the mirror.

Then in my car on my way into work I was looking in my mirror to get something out of my eye. And there they were! Just there. Huge! Just there. My pores. MY PORES WERE ENORMOUS. Never in my life have they been big. I have never even noticed my pores before. But here they were just starring me down. I couldn't even get away from them. Thank GOD I could just close that mirror up.

I get to my office and sit at my desk. I start stretching a little and rub my face from exhaustion. What was that??? I felt a bump on my face. It was a pimple! What is up with THAT??!! I never had pimples when I was young. Pimples are a teenager thing. I am NOT a teenager. Why the heck am I getting pimples at thirty?!

I am really thirty now. Literally, physically and almost mentally. Now its time to move on. I hear it only gets worse.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Just a few random notes I wanted to mention.

Both of the boys got all A's and one B on their interim report. This is a big deal because they have never gotten "letter" grades before. It has always been O and S and I was afraid they wouldn't do as well. I was wrong. So wrong. I am so proud of them.

I asked my wonderful significant other to please make me breakfast Sunday morning while I was getting the boys ready for sports. All I wanted was some instant oatmeal. He made me bacon and eggs. I love him. :)

I dressed the youngest boy in a turtle neck yesterday to go to the soccer game. It was almost 90 degrees outside! Opps.

We spent 54 dollars on pumpkins, and 110 dollars on lunch at Hubers. I hope they loved us. :) We loved the experience. We had a great time. Thank you mom for lunch and for being there with us!

I was driving home and an ambulance was coming through a red light with sirens and lights going. THREE -- yes THREE cars went through the intersection without stopping. It was scary. How can people be so distracted to not see or hear that. A very scary thing.

Cameron is so excited he is going on his field trip on Wednesday and told me he was even more excited because he would be at our house Wednesday night and could tell me all about it. It made me feel so good.

Can't thank Mary enough for being a GREAT role model as a stepmom. I could not have asked for better.

I hate having to take my pictures from my camera and put them on Pierre's computer and then on to mine. It takes forever. I wish I had an SD card reader on my computer.

I discovered Firehouse Subs and fell in love!

Thats all of the randomness for tonite. Goodnight all.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Reds and the Museum

This past month we went to the Reds vs. Cubs game (Reds won!! woohoo!!) and then to the museum. I added a few pics below.

We have also been very busy with sports. A couple pics of Jonah at soccer and then a link to Noah's football pictures. He is number 32. The one in green socks! Btw - he is now on the starting offense team. He is so excited.

Ok so the pics didnt work out. Here is the link to see them online.

And the link to Noah's football. He is number 32 and the only one in GREEN socks :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

frustrated today

Today I am frustrated. I am frustrated for so many reasons. I don't want to make all of my frustrations public. I just want to say that I am frustrated.

Today I am going to face my frustrations and move on. Not hold on to them and not ignore them. Two things I typically do. But not today. I have too many important things to hold on to and many things I am ignoring LOL. It will be a long day and one that I don't want to repeat, but it will be a day that I will think about the next time I am frustrated.

We have so many choices in our lives. There are so many times that we make bad choices. We can't change those choices, but we can try to fix, overcome or let go of them -- or hold on to and/or ignore them (in my opinion another bad choice). So today, I am going to make a good choice. I am going to deal with, let go of and move on from my frustration.

I am taking a deep breath, crossing my fingers and saying a short prayer.

Tomorrow will be a better day.


Monday, September 13, 2010

win, win and NO show.

This will be short.

This weekend Noah's team won their football game and Jonah's soccer team won their game. Can't be happier for them both. Will have pics soon.

Today the ex was a no show at our court hearing. It figures. And it was pretty much confirmed he is no longer at his job at Banfield. How not surprising is that? I am so glad to be out of that situation. Can't wait for all of this to be over.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

process of a five year old

Why would a doctor in their right mind prescribe CHEWABLE amoxicillin to a five-year-old??!! First of all - liquid amoxicillin is EVERY child's favorite medicine. They would drink it like a milkshake if they could. Not to mention a five-year-old is just not ready for the chewables if they don't taste like candy.

So Aiden, five year old, is prescribed chewable amoxicillin. He is not thrilled. Not at all. But the GREAT kid he is, how developed a process to take these pills. Of course, it is a process and it takes time. LOTS of it. And patience. LOTS of it. And he has to do it three times a day for 10 days. HUGE sigh. But he takes his pill. I can't complain.

How to give a five-year-old a chewable pill.

The set up:

1. He must be sitting on the countertop. Can't do it standing up or sitting anywhere else. 2. He must have a drink. What drink depends on what time of day and what day. He will let you know. 3. He must have a food to eat, two of that food. It must be something that sticks in his teeth and nothing sweet. Chips or gold fish often work, even in the morning. He may change his mind in the middle of the process so be prepared. 4. Set each item (drink, food and pill) on the counter next to him. He will arrange in the correct order, three or four times, himself.

The process:

1. He takes a drink. He may decide he needs a different drink at this point. Get a new drink or move to next step. 2. He takes a bite of his first piece of food. The smallest first. 3. He needs one more sip now. 4. Now he will eat the rest of his first piece of food. 5. He puts the pill in his mouth and chews while grabbing for his cup. 6. Takes a sip while shivering, shaking, squenching his eyes and turning red. 7. Now he shoves his second piece of food in his mouth, while still shaking, squenching and turning more red. 8. Swallows. 9. Takes one more drink. 10. Flies off the counter, down the hall and into full play mode in one full swoop.

This process usually takes about 15 minutes. During the 15 minutes, I could be showering, cleaning, sleeping or doing anything other than standing there monitoring the process. But at least he takes his medicine. It could be worse.


Friday, August 27, 2010

First Week - FINISHED

Its Friday. So the first week is not totally over yet, but I have a minute to blog and I need to blog so here it goes.

This was a big first week. This was the first week we were totally in the house with Pierre and his boys. (we were there most of the time last week, but still kinda in between houses). This was the first week of school for all of the boys. This was the first week of going to a new school for my boys and this was my first week back to work since my surgery (only took a week off, but still!)

I want to give all of the details - but I want to start with last weekend. The end of the move. So the plan was that I would have surgery on Tuesday and Pierre would take care of all of the moving. I was a nervous wreck about this and he wouldn't let me have my back up plans. He said he had it taken care of. He can be majorly stubborn sometimes. So all is going well. I am recovering, Pierre is handling the kids, sports, school orientations and the move. Mary helped with school building tours on Wednesday and helped me with packing and cleaning on Friday. Then Saturday Pierre did some more moving big stuff all by himself. Then on Sunday the PLAN was mom was coming up to help clean and take the trampoline down. WELL.... it didn't go as planned. Pierre came down with a NASTY GI virus. Running a temperature, shivering and puking. So it was pretty much up to mom and I. Luckily, Dad had taken the boys for most of the day so I didn't have to worry about them as much. Pierre came down around 5 pm to help move the washer and dryer (that we don't need) and Scott Martz came to our rescue to help Pierre get them loaded. Thank you Scott!!!

Mom stayed until almost midnight and I was there until around 2 am finishing cleaning. THEN I realized the first day of school was Monday and we didn't have milk for breakfast. And did we have anything for lunches??? Who knew because I had been recovering and moving I didn't know what we had. So I had to make a 2am Kroger run. But it all got done. I got home around 3am.

Day 1: Then up at 6am to get Corbin up and ready for school. His bus came at 645. Then Noah up at 630 - his bus comes at 730a. Then Jonah, Cameron and Aiden up at 730, their bus comes at 830a. Breakfasts all made, lunches made, backpacks together, new school shoes on, and everyone out the door. Pierre took Aiden to school and then back to bed for the both of us. Until Pierre's Dr. appt. :) The rest of the day was resting for both of us. Then at 245 the kids start piling in until the last ones at 4:15. Then his boys went with their mom.

So day 2: Pierre still sick, now Aiden is sick too. Got all the boys off to school (except Corbin and he left from his moms). Then me into work. Pierre takes Aiden to Dr. He has strepth! UGGHHH! Then its home, and off to take Noah to football. Then I realize Jonah has worn the same outfit to school as he wore yesterday. I was so embarrassed but he could have cared less.

Day 3: Pierre goes to work, I work from home so I can stay with Aiden. Pierre and I switch cars... That starts a rolling set of issues. Pierre forgot to take his phone so we couldn't communicate at all, I had to figure out where and when to drop Aiden off to school because he was feeling better and not running a fever - and I left my tom tom in my car. Then that evening was football and soccer. Football helmet, cleats and water bottles were in my car. It was such a mess. But it all got figured out. Pierre decided we were never trading cars again. :)

Day 4: I don't even remember anything about this day. It must have gone well. :)

Day 5: Pierre's ex said that we could have the boys to take them to dinner with us. So we all went to the China Buffet (a tradition for every other Friday with Pierre and his boys). I am glad I didn't have to see that bill :). Then she was even nicer and let me take Cameron to see the Reds vs. Cubs game with just me and Jonah. We had AMAZING seats. Section 113, Row G. We saw the Reds hit THREE home runs. Oh it was so much fun. Cameron and Jonah had a ball. We had Chills (the frozen treat) and cotton candy. But that night was also the start to my strep throat.

Day 6: Pierre's kids were at their moms. I had strep throat and Jonah had an all day soccer tournament. Not to mention that Pierre's foot is killing him. We did it all and Saturday night we both crashed.

Day 7: Then sunday - more Jonah soccer and Noah's football. Pierre did it all. I was so sick.

To finish the story it is now Wednesday. On Monday I stayed home sick, and so did Aiden and Cameron. All three of us with strep throat. We had two dr. appts, a stop at my office and off to get prescriptions. It was a long exhausting day. Then I had to take Noah to football.

On Tuesday I was feeling better. But stayed home because Jonah had his court date to officially change his name! He is now officially Jonah Allen Calvert. I am so so so happy!!!

Today was my post-op dr. appt. Everything checked out fine. Even my liver that they were concerned about. We are all feeling better today and back to school and work, off to football and soccer.

This weekend is going to be crazy and hectic, all of the kids - Friday is family game night, Saturday we are off to moms to swim, then to the drive-in (his boys have never been to one), then sunday is my family reunion and then we are going to the fireworks. Such a full weekend. I can't wait. :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

the good, the bad and the scary!

It all happened on a Friday night in August. Ok so it was last night :) but it started out sounding good. I had the most wonderful evening last night. I think I was happier than I have ever been.


Yesterday we went and registered my boys for school. It had been worrying me so much cuz it was so last minute. But now its done and it feels so good. Last night my boys met his boys for the first time. It was wonderful. They got along so well and they had so much fun. It was so fun to see them all together. It was like they had known each other for years - except they all got along! :)

The BAD:

Last night in the midst of my wonderful evening, I received a voicemail from my Doctor. I don't think I blogged about this before - but when I went for my follow up appointment Tuesday (for my ulcers) he felt that it wasn't my ulcers causing me all of my pain. He felt I had Gall Stones. So Wednesday I went in for an ultrasound. So back to my voicemail. He said I have Gall Stones and I have to have my Gall bladder removed. Worst timing ever - with move comping up. But Pierre said not to worry he would take care of it all and me. I love him so much. He is so absolutely amazing.


It just really sank in that we will have FIVE boys. FIVE BOYS! What in the world am I going to do with FIVE BOYS?!!! It was our first night with them all last night and we "forgot" one twice. LOL. for just a sec of course - so now we are going to have to count. I realize there are people out there in this world that plan for five kids, or more and look at octomom - but for us.... its FIVE BOYS. *huge sigh* It will be fun. Maybe a little hairy at times and definitely scary. :)

Last night was the happiest night in my life. I love him so much and I love all of the boys. Now we are on our way to go fishing. I am in heaven.

Friday, August 6, 2010

bragging rights?

I don't like to brag, but today I am going to brag. I am so proud of both of my boys. They are both super smart, WAY handsome (imho) and they are both doing GREAT in sports.

Jonah made the ELITE soccer team this year. He had to try out and he made the team. For him that was a HUGE deal. To his momma that was a huge deal. He has gone through summer soccer camp and is now onto regular practice. He seems to be learning alot and enjoying himself. He looks so great out on the field.

What I really wanted to brag about today though is Noah. Noah is playing football again this year. This is year two for him. Last year he barely got any playing time in the games. Especially after he almost made a touchdown for the other team! :) He didn't put a lot of effort into it and didn't really try. He enjoyed himself - but he just didn't know nearly enough about the game.

I was a little concerned shoveling out over $200 for him to play this year if he was going to do the same thing. But I did it because I thought it would give him a chance to meet and make new friends before he started at a new school. So to me, that alone was worth it.

Before practices started, his coaches asked the parents to have the boys start conditioning. The first day was horrendous. There was threatening, begging, promising and crying (and that was just me, he was worse!) We had several talks about pushing yourself and yatta yatta. I found out on his fourth practice that he sat out during the entire practiced on the third day. I was very upset and frustrated. This time I had had it. So we sat down did a lot of talking and lecturing. I made sure that I have been at every practice at least part of it so he can't just sit out. BUT.... the other day he was scrimmaging with his team and he was in the game. He messed up and had to sit out the rest of the game. On the way home we were talking about it and he said that it was ok because he learned from it. That he was going to improve on his game and not make that mistake again. That was on Wednesday. On Thursday, we pulled into the parking lot and this was our conversation:

Noah: I don't really want to go to practice today but I am going.
Me: Yes you will be going Noah. You have to if you want to play in the game Sunday
Noah: I know Mom. I don't really want to go today cuz I don't feel good, but I want to give my 110% and push myself so I can play. Everytime I come to practice I am learning something new. Sometimes about the game and sometimes about me.
Me: (holding back the tears) Noah you are such a great kid and you make me so proud when I hear you say things like that. I love you so much.
Noah: love you too mom - gotta get to practice I am already late.
Me: LOL - getting going and show them what you are made of!

I was so so so proud of him. Maybe all of my talking was actually getting through to him! I left to take Jonah to soccer practice. And I went to buy Noah an UnderArmor shirt to reward him. When I got to Noah's practice they were scrimmaging against another team. Noah was in the game. I watched him and he tackled his kid each time and didn't let his kid go. When we got finished I was asking him how it went. He was so excited and so proud. He said he played in the entire scrimmage and is pretty sure he earned his spot in the starting line up for both offense and defense! He was so proud. I am so proud. He kept talking about what it was like pushing himself and that it made him feel good. What a great kid.

I am so proud of you Noah!

your mom.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

almost ahhhhhh...

I am not going into lots of details with this but I just needed to say its almost over. All of my crazy running around, and all of my waiting games are almost over (well except for the annulment).

Right now, while I am still in between moving, I am traveling an hour each way to football and soccer practices 4 nights a week and on two nights they both practice and their fields are 15 min apart. So much fun. That is almost over. Almost over. Almost over. Ahhhhhh... Well they will still have the same practices but I won't be doing the commute anymore. Ahhhh...

Then I got more good news tonite that took a TON of weight off my shoulders. I can't even tell you how much. But it did. so Ahhhh... to that too! :)

So with all of that, my life has been a wreck for the past 7 years and the last two years I have been working really hard to straighten things out. It's all starting to come together. It really is. :)

Ahhhh........ I can breathe a little better tonite. :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Tough Decisions

So how crazy is it that I have been trying to get annulment for a year (moved out for two years) and in order to borrow money against my retirement I have to have his signature? But thats not even the worst kicker part of it. I need the money to pay my attorney to finish the annulment. AND the marriage isn't even legal. So what the heck? But it is what it is (a phrase I have come to despise).

Now what do I do? I have been thinking a lot about this. I don't have a lot of options. He already owes me a ton of money (almost 10k) and now he won't sign for me to get the loan so I can pay an attorney. And you know mommy and daddy are paying for his. But me, a single mom raising two kids with NO child support has to pay out of pocket for an attorney and he won't even sign a darn paper so I can do that. I hate him. So much. I never use the word hate because I think it is over used, it is way too powerful of a word for almost everything. But this time I truly mean it. I think it is wrong to hate a person... and I need to forgive. But for right now this is how it is. One day when things are said and done I will forgive and no longer hate. But right now... Its hate. He still has control over my life and my money. How does that work.

I'm trying to come up with a way to raise the money and raise it fast. I can't come up with much. The one thing I feel I could do now that I know I could raise more than enough money for is to go public with my story. For those that know me - you understand why that is true. I have already had conversations with a network about it. I don't want to do this because it exposes me. Big time. I don't want to do this because it exposes my boys. Big time. And believe it or not - I didn't want to do it because I know it would expose him too. Big time. Even worse than me. Even to a criminal point. I don't want to ruin his life. I just want mine back. That is all. But he won't let me.

Tuesday I have an appointment to talk with the network again (I guess I am using the right terminology for that) to determine what all it will entail. I am so nervous about all of this. But I don't really see any other way. And I need my life back for me and the kids. And the money they are talking about upfront will REALLY help me and the boys out. The money that could come from it after would probably set us for life. UGGGHH. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do.

I don't want to tell the boys about him right now. I don't. I wanted to wait until they were older. But I believe I am going to have to tell them. I have an appt with a psychologist next week to help me figure out how to do that. Then give me some referrals for them to see someone. He doesn't understand that not only did he do so much damage to me, but to my kids too. I hate him.

Why does he insist on backing me into a wall like this? Why? I just want my life back. He has taken away some of my most precious years of my life. I just want to move on. If anyone knows him that reads this please ask him to let me move on.


Numerous Ulcers

So this is an update to my last blog. Its going to be quick and dirty. My pain got bad. I couldn't take it bad. So I broke down and called the Doctor. I called my OBGYN's office because she is with a group of different types of Doctors and went to see an internalist in her office. I go to Quality Queen City Physicians in Hyde Park. She and the office were absolutely amazing. I would more than recommend her to anyone and she has only been my doctor for a week :)

Anyway - I had a scope on monday of my stomach and leading to it. The report came back and I have numerous ulcers. UGGGHH! Couldn't have anything to do with all of the stress I am under with this damn annulment and attorneys. So now its Nexium everyday and a BLAND BLAND BLAND diet. I have lost another 8 lbs in one week. So at least that is a good thing :)

So going to the Doctor this time was good.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

No Doctors Please

I don't particularly believe in Doctors. Wait... I should restate that. I don't particularly believe in GOOD doctors. Other than my kids pediatricians. :)

So for the past year I have had some really bad stomach issues. It started out really bad early summer last year. I couldn't really eat anything for like three weeks (maybe thats why I lost weight so easily last year!) It didn't really get better, I just got used to it. Dealt with it. I didn't even know how to describe the pain so how was I going to go to the doctor and tell them what was wrong. So I dealt with it.

Well it has been getting worse lately. It used to be after I ate anything. I would have horrible pains, pains that caused headaches and I would want to cry. Now I am just so used to it - it really doesn't phase me. But now things are changing. Now I feel like this before I eat - when its time that I eat. I get horrible, horrible pains and need to eat. I feel so much better after I eat, but then about 30 min later I get the pains again. But now they are so bad I puke. I puke everything I eat and then I feel better again. Until I get hungry again. It's a horrible cycle.

If you know much about me you know I HATE puking. I absolutely hate it. I cry every time I puke. Its AWFUL. But for the last two weeks I have been puking at least once a day, sometimes three or four. I think the worst part is that I have to shower (or feel I need to) after each time. Does not go so well at work. And I am sure my water bill is going to be outrageous.

I have been doing research on this. I can't find anything. Well, I take that back. I have. I have found several blogs where people talk about the same symptoms (except theirs usually have missing periods or it right around the same time) and I don't have that issue. I am as regular as they get and it happens everyday all of the time. But either way they have no clue what it is. Before anyone says - you're pregnant. I want to tell you I am not. First of all it couldn't happen because I have the ten year BC and he has been snipped :) but also I've not missed periods and it has been happening for the last year.

It almost sounds like gallbladder problems. But my pain is not isolated on my left side. I don't know. I am really just dumbfounded. I guess thats why I am writing this. It's not so bad that it is disabling me. But maybe thats just me. I have always been that way. I just try to ignore it and figure it will go away until its really bad. I can tolerate a lot of pain when I am stubborn about it. So is it not disabling because I am stubborn? Or is it just nothing. I guess if it is really something wrong it will get disabling. For now, I will just work on getting used to it.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Police: Woman Posing As Boy Charged In Sex Case - Cincinnati News Story

Hmmm..... People should just be honest about who they are and let people make their own decisions on who they want to be with. Its ok if you want to change your gender - don't hide it from someone you are intimate with.

Woman allegedly poses as boy, solicits sex from Springboro teen

Noah's Audition

On June 25th Noah auditioned to sing at the WesternSouthern Tennis Open. Although I don't believe he made it, I do believe he did a fabulous job. I am a very proud momma. :)

Either way here is his video for you to watch. I have only listened to it 100 times already (on the views - it only counts my computer once - I promise they aren't all me!! LOL.

Hope you enjoy!

link is if the video below does not work. He is number 11.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kids - Too funny

I just had to post this today. Sometimes my kids just amaze me.

Recently I have been really missing the fact that my kids don't say the cute, laugh your butt off funny, innocent things anymore because they are older. Especially because I was around my niece for a week and she was too cute and said so many really cute, laugh your butt off, completely innocent things.

Well - today- Noah reminded me that he still says those things, but its a completely different laugh, because its at a completely different level. I laugh so hard because he is WAY too smart for his own good.

When little kids say things that you are thinking "you are way too smart for your own good" they really don't understand what they are saying... they are mimicking basically what they have heard somewhere else. But at Noah's age he knows what he is saying. And that makes it even funnier on a more complicated level. LOL. Or maybe its just me.

So on with the funny story... While I am work I allow the boys to communicate with me through Yahoo messenger. They just started this two days ago (today is day 3). They are only allowed to communicate with me (soon Leslie when she asks to be added :)!!). This is the conversation Noah and I had.... it was too funny.

i love you!
love you to
when you say too in replace of "also" you should spell it with two "o's" like too. when you say to with one "o" it means you are going somewhere like "I am going to the store" or you could say "give this to him" thats how you use the word to with one "o". do you see the difference?
oh yeah but its yahoo grammer is useless on yahoo
I am laughing so hard at you. you are way too smart Noah! I love you!
love you too

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Life Update June 2010

For those of you who like to have updates I am posting this. For those of you who like my stories that one is next.

I would like to point out that the only reason I have the time to post this is because I am working our conference. I have been tasked with making sure the powerpoint is running properly. No really I am tasked with making sure the AV students run the powerpoint properly. Which is ridiculous because I have no clue what I am doing and they totally know everything :). But hey I have time to catch up. All day. Just sitting behind the big screen with all of the buttons and computers like the wizard in wizard of oz. Fun, fun FUN! :)

So with the boys? Some of you have not heard from me in a long time and if it weren't for the fact that my name has not been reported in the obituaries you would have thought I had kicked the bucket. Gosh, that's a crude way of saying it. But - I said it. what's been up with me? What's been up with the boys? What has been up???

Well, I haven't kicked the bucket. I am not ignoring any of you. I am not hiding out. I PROMISE. I have really been busy. If I remember correctly this happened to me last year at the same time, but I think this year is 10 times worst. Honestly. I think mathematically I could prove it.

So in short - Jonah had his first reconciliation, first communion received his scapular, gave his first oral report, turned another year older (8), rode his first big roller coaster, made the ELITE soccer team and finished the second grade. Noah, ok I am not going to list all of his trouble he has gotten into, was there with his brother through all of his first stuff, got pinched by a crawfish he caught while camping, ate the crawfish after I boiled it, has signed up for football again, is competing in a national singing contest, rode the diamond back at kings island, wrote his first story, became an expert in Pandora, learned how to cook ramen noodles and finished the third grade. I have tried to keep up with all of this, coordinated the pine wood derby cars, Jesus day bags and first communion bannerAND assisted on putting on two conferences. I don't think I have had an unscheduled weekend since the before my vegas trip in February. Honestly. I think my weekends are scheduled until sometime in July.

Currently the boys are out of town for three weeks. One week so I can work my butt off (well work long hours writing my blog!) during this conference, then two weeks because their favorite aunt in Louisiana is going to be in town with their favorite niece and nephew. We have so much planned already for that trip. But don't worry. While they are gone I won't get any me time. I started out without them Saturday and that was jammed packed with me and Pierre celebrating my birthday month. Yes, we were celebrating my birthday MONTH. Ok so maybe that is me time, but I mean - just relax me time. Then Sunday I worked all day at conference center getting set up. Now the conference. Then this weekend is the boys going away party so - i have to figure out how to get them from Granny Hallie's to Mom's house so that she can bring them home for the party. And I have to get ready for the party. I have done NOTHING! Too damn busy! I mean darn. :)

That is the other thing I am in the middle of.... the move. Getting everything ready for that. For the boys - new school, new doctor, new dentist, new sports teams. For me, well i guess the big thing a change in the drive and learning a new area. And the worst part - the packing and moving. But I can't wait to say goodbye to price hill. I will so miss all of my friends that I so adore, but the neighborhood I will not miss.

I have some pictures to add, hope you enjoy!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

pitty, strength and encouragement

Last night, in the middle of pure exhaustion and a long drive to Fairfield, I had time to think. I didn't really want to be thinking. But it happened.

I have been whining this week about everything going on this week. I shouldn't be whining. It's my job. It's only going to last a week. Not my attitude last night. Then I started thinking. When I whine, why do I do it? What is the point? What do I think or want to get out of it?

Whining brings you down. You dwell on the negative. Whining brings the person you are whining to down. Gives them a negative focus on you. Whining seems so counterproductive. Why in the hell am I doing it?

I hate pitty. HATE it. There have been some things that have happened in my life, that it would have helped to talk to people about, but I didn't. I didn't because I was so worried people would pitty me. I don't want pitty. I don't want someone to feel sorry for me. It makes me feel even worse. It makes me feel uncomfortable. It makes me embarrassed. It makes me cry. Don't pitty me!

Because of that, I truly believe that the reason I whine has nothing to do with wanting pitty. So again, why do I whine?

I don't like *fixers*. I don't like when I whine, for someone to try to fix it all for me. I know what I have to do. I am just whining to get it off my chest. I am just whining. Don't try to fix my problems for me. There is just sometimes that life sucks and you just have to get through it and not fix it. If I wanted to know how to fix it - I would ask you. When I whine - I am not asking how to fix it. I am whining! I am not trying to knock the *fixers* out there, because I know they are just doing it because they are trying to help and I think that is so nice and wonderful and really sweet of them. But for me - IT DRIVES ME BONKERS!

At this point I am realizing that maybe I just described why I whine - just to whine, just to get it off my chest. Maybe, my real question should be, how do I want people to respond when I whine?

***side thought*** God, it really is scary in my head!!!

Last night I was whining to Pierre. Yes, I feel sorry for him. I felt so much better after the conversation. So - I am going to use that conversation to try to figure out how I wanted him to respond. I know you are excited now! I already know I would NOT want him to pitty me. I would NOT want him to *fix* it for me. I have always said that I JUST want someone to listen. I still believe that. ESPECIALLY when I complain, gripe, whine or bitch. I am just saying it. I just have to get it out. (the whole point of a blog for me, so I can complain, gripe, whine and bitch - get it all out and not worry about pitty, *fixers* or bringing anyone else down) I think that I just want someone to acknowledge that I am feeling that way, that I am right or ok for feeling that way. Someone to just nodd and agree with me. Just LISTEN.

That is NOT what Pierre did last night. Somehow, I felt so much better after talking to him. CRAZY, CRAZY, I know! I really appreciated it last night. This won't work in every situation, MOST situations I would still just rather have someone listen. I believe the difference is that I wasn't bitching or griping. When I bitch, gripe and complain - I am just frustrated, aggravated and annoyed. I just want to say it. This week, I wasn't sure I could get through the week. It was whining. It was stress. It was pure - not sure how I am going to do this. I needed more than just listen. But still not pity or a *fix*.

He turned my negative, counter productive whining into something encouraging and positive. How does he do it, no one knows! LOL. It really takes a special person to be able to put up with me!

When I complained, when I griped, when I bitched - he listened. THEN - when I whined, when I was sure I couldn't finish the week, he told me how amazing he thought I was. How even though this week was tough, even though lots of other people were going through the same thing, I was doing it, getting my job done and surviving. He was so encouraging. He built me up. Everything I was worried about, he reminded me that I could do it. He offered his help (not that I took him up on it, but it was sweet). Maybe offering help is sort of like a *fixer* but he asked what he could do for me - he didn't say "you should do this, or it might be better if you do this" stuff. He wanted to help me do what I knew I needed to get done, if I needed his help.

He couldn't be there for me to lean on, to rub my feet, to rub my shoulders, to take over with the boys. But his words of encouragement really lifted me up and gave e the strength to keep my butt going.

So I was writing this blog this morning during my conference. I didn't get finished so I am finishing tonite. During the day I found out that even though I declined his offer to help - he took his lunch break and went to the grocery and picked me up toilet paper, bread, milk and lunchables so I would have to make the boys lunch tonite. He did my dishes and left me roses on the table. Amazing. Not the purpose of this blog but I had to add it.

So I was really going to finish all of my thoughts in this blog but I am so out of the mood now. Well at least it kept me busy during the conference, sitting at the AV table supervising the people that knew what to do way more than I did.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Jonah's First Communion

First Communion was beautiful. I had so much fun. Now I am exhausted, but wanted to post some pictures. I will blog more about soon. PROMISE :) And if you want to see all of the pics here they are: Leslie's Picasa

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I just need to vent for a minute. I am working with this guy coordinating a conference for next week. He had the nerve to say to me (as he is getting paid $10,000 to help coordinate and I get nothing extra) that this is the worst timing for him because he has a 10 day trip to Washington DC he has to plan that hes leaving for the last day of the conference. His daughter is graduating from college. Well.... this is what I have going on in the month of may alone - all of it I have coordinating things that I have to do.

Conference (3days)
Boyscout camping trip
Court date for annulment
Jesus Day
Jonah's First Communion
Awards banquet at Xavier
Mothers Day
Going away party for the boys (around 100 kids invited)
Jonah's Birthday

phewww...... I am exhausted now.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

how do you know?

I struggled with whether or not I should write this post. I have been laying in bed for 30 minutes thinking about it. I didn't want to because I was afraid it would get too mushy and that people (friends) would roll their eyes. I didn't want to because I was afraid my questioning things might make other people (the subject of the blog) wonder why I am questioning so much. But then I realized (as I have said so many other times) this blog is for me to get my thoughts out of my head and onto paper (or screen for this matter). It is very therapeutic for me.

So on with it ALREADY! Over the last few weeks (maybe months) and especially the last few hours I have been wondering how in the world I have been so lucky. I am lucky I have my boys and they are all mine. They are so smart, so loving, very handsome and absolutely wonderful. I might be a little biased. I am so lucky I have the job that I have. I don't even have my bachelors degree yet I have a job that requires a masters degree in many areas of the university. A job that I had absolutely NO qualifications for when I was hired but I have learned SOOO much since I got the job and continue to learn. I love the people I work with and love the work I do. I love that I have enough flexibility to work from home when I need to - to leave everyday early and work from home the last two hours so that I can pick my kids up from school everyday. Don't get me wrong on some days I wonder how I am going to keep going in the job and some days I hate my job - but I really really do know how lucky I am to have it.

I am so lucky to have the family and the friends that I have. My family supports me through everything - even when I have made decisions that might not have been the best. My family are my very best friends. I can turn to them for anything and they are there when i don't need them. I can support them as much as the support me (in my own capable ways) and I know I couldn't live with out them. My friends that I have made since I have been here have become my family in Cincinnati. They are there for me when I don't even know I need them. HMMM. :) My friends from home are always still there for me and all though I don't get to see or talk to them as much as I would love when I am with them it feels like we haven't missed a beat.

But what this post is about is the man that I have fallen in love with over the past several months. I have gone through a lot in my life. A lot because of decisions I have made. But I have been through a lot. I have trusted people that did not deserve my trust and been hurt by people I trusted the most. Some would say after hearing my whole story that they couldn't imagine how I get through it all - how I overcome it or how I could trust or love again. For me - each situation has been a learning lesson. Each bad situation has made me a stronger better person. Every bad thing has truly had some piece of it that was positive and the positive more than outweighs the negative. Sometimes it is just hard for people to see the positive for the negative. Its a lot easier to dwell on the negative than to focus on the positive. But for me I can't get past the positive. I strive for it. I look for it. I feed off of it. I need it. I crave it. Maybe this is why I can be so naive sometimes. Because I always look for the good, the positive, I always have hope, faith and want to believe. Maybe this is a fault of mine - but I like to think of it as a strength. Yes I might get hurt, but without that hurt I wouldn't know the joy. The joy I have in my life. Without the hurt I would not have Noah or Jonah. With out the hurt I would not have the job I have now. Without the hurt I wouldn't be who I am today - period. So bring it on! I want more JOY! :)

Ok - I keep getting off the topic :) Where is my focus tonite? So the man I have fallen in love with. He is not without his faults and yes I see them and I know what they are. I am also aware that there are probably more that I don't know about yet. But I also know he is an absolutely amazing man. He puts me and my boys before everything, except his boys of course. He amazes me everyday with his thoughtfulness. He doesn't know it, but my smile is stuck to my face everytime I think about him. He lights me up. I just can't say enough about it. Just to name a few things about what I find amazing about him - He is successful in his career and ambitious to continue to move ahead, he is an amazing dad and treats my boys with respect and compassion, he is smart, funny and corny. He has the wrong political views but happily agrees to disagree with me :) He lets me always think I am right even when I am wrong. He has agreed to always let my mom be right and never stick his nose in our business. He knows he has to love my singing and dance with me anytime I ask. He can fix my plumbing, cook my dinner, change my oil, rescue the hamster and hem my pants! Could I ask for anything more? :) He is right now making the boys pine wood derby cars and Jonah's Jesus day banner - can't tell you how much this helps me. He sends me texts and tells me simple things that make my heart melt instantly. Today he sent a text and said "what does a man do when he finds someone who has the ability to make his world better than it has been or he could imagine it could be? Never let her go! LYMY" (which means love you, miss you) He has his life together, has dreams for his future and aims for the best he and his family can be. He puts his family before himself and anything else. Most importantly - He loves me and thinks I am the best thing since sliced bread. I could go on - but I am sure I have totally gone way over board already.

So my original question - how do I know? All of these absolutely wonderful things about him, how do I know this is all true? How do I know I am not missing something. How do I know that one day this isn't going to all change? How do I know that he will be the same person a year from now, five years from now? I know we all change and grow and if we didn't that would be very bad. But what doesn't change is our core. The core of who we are. What I see now in him is what I see in the man I want to spend my life with - the image of the man I have always wanted to spend my life with. But how do I know that that is truly him? How do I know that this isn't all an act?

I have been there before and it was all lies. Before I rushed things. I didn't pay attention to the signs (although I knew at the time they were there I just chose to ignore them). How do I know I am not missing something now? I made sure he had his degree like he said (Chris did not). I made sure he really worked where he said (Chris did not). I made sure he really was who he was, used his real name (Chris did not). I made sure he was really who he said he was (I know I repeated this - but its for a reason and some know why and others don't) - Chris was not.

I know a big answer to this is time. Just be patient and give everything plenty of time. That is what we both want. To do this right. To take our time. But is there a right amount of time? And time for what? We aren't getting married. Well not anytime soon FOR SURE. So we have tons of time to get to know each other. But I am already at a place that if he changes or if what I believe is him is not him - I will be absolutely devastated. So I am beyond the point of not getting hurt. I could so easily be hurt badly. The more time I give it, the more time I give to him, the more time I have to fall for him - the worst I get hurt if this is all lies. So how do I know? When do I know? What will I know? Will there ever be a time that I can say - now is the time I don't have to worry anymore? Will there be a point in time where I will know that he is who he is - that he is that amazing amazing man I know right now? Will there a time where I will know I am not going to be hurt? How do I know?

I love him. I don't want to loose him. I don't want to worry. I want to just let go. But how do I do that? When do I do that? How do I know?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

First Communion

First Communion is coming up FAST! I am slowly but surely checking things off my list as complete. Ok - well maybe there are several things "in progress" and not actually complete. But I am moving forward. This weekend I was able to knock a ton out. See I have more to do than normal because I volunteered to be in charge of the Jesus Day bags. I am excited - but 32 hand sewn bags?? What was I thinking? Thank God Mrs. Jones will be doing the embroidering and be directing the mass of moms assembly line. I am just coordinating (well and an assembly line mom) the project. So this weekend this is what I got complete or "in progress" :)

1.) Got crayons donated for Jesus Day Bags
2.) Delegated another mom to be in charge of the snack for the bags
3.) Got the material for the bags
4.) Bought Jonah's suit, tie, shirt and shoes (really wish the ex would have given me Noah's suit from last year - would have saved a lot of money not to mention its REALLY special and I HATE that I don't have it... but life goes on)
5.) Got Jonah's suit measured and fitted to have it hemmed (this is in progress of being hemmed)
6.) Designed and emailed out Jonah's invitation. Its so adorable.
7.) Completely cleaned the boys room (now for the rest of the house!)

PHEWW! That has worn me out just thinking about it. So I have more to go but its definitely a start. I still have to:

1.) Pick out the menu for the party (Pierre is cooking!!! YIPPEE!!)
2.) Make Jonah's Pew Banner. (Pierre is doing this too :) but I have to make sure it gets done!)
3.) Mail out the invitations
4.) Sew all of the bags
5.) Put all of the bags and stuffers together.
7.) Order cake and grocery shop
8.) Buy his gift!!!

Seems like a lot left still - not to mention we have so much going on this month. But it will all get done. Jonah's Godmother and my favorite cousin, Leslie is coming in early to be at Jesus Day and help me with last minute things and to help her Godson get ready! And just maybe I can delegate more stuff to Pierre!!! :)

Jonah is so looking forward to it. It will be such a great day!

Monday, March 29, 2010


So I was thinking tonite. Thats already a bad sign - I know. And that was such a cliche - ok maybe not a cliche but totally typical to say. But for me - it REALLY is a bad sign. Like I have said so many times before I am an over analyzer. I really do over analyze everything.

So tonite I was thinking... I was thinking about how scared I get. Then I was thinking about how I LOVE scary movies and shows. But how in the world do I love them? I have to cover my eyes during scary parts, I get all tense and stressed and then afterwards I am TERRIFIED of everything. I can't sleep because I lie awake thinking of ways I can escape, except I can't think of any so then I start to panic that I don't know how I am going to get the boys and escape without the murderer finding us... So then I either go get the boys and bring them in bed with me or I go crawl in bed with them. But all of the while - I HAVE to watch the damn scary show or movie. And I love it! What is wrong with me?

BTW - I was trying to find a good picture of FEAR. This is it. This was a friend's little boy that went camping with us in 2007 - this was his face after I told one my ghost stories. LOL. Poor guy! You have to click on it to enlarge it to get the full 'fear factor'! He is so cute.

Some people like pain. They like the feeling. So i thought maybe this was similar. But I hate it. I hate pain. I hate everything about it. I can even say I hate how scared I get after watching this scary crap. But for some reason it is so intriguing. I am so drawn to it.

Let me throw this out there. I don't like fake scary movies or shows. I am not big on the horror films. When I say scary I mean like criminal minds scary. Murder mysteries. But its more on the serial killer murder mysteries. Those people attack and kill anyone and don't feel any remorse. It is SCARY. It could happen to anyone anywhere. I am just as random as the last random person to be victimized. It could happen. Not to mention that - although many "westsiders" think this is a great "up & coming" neighborhood - the neighborhood I live in is a haven for crime. Seems to be random crime. So it terrifies me.

So I just sat and watched five minutes of castle. FIVE minutes. I have never seen the show before and most of the five minutes was updates from last week and I am terrified. I actually got myself to turn it off and go to bed. But here I sit over an hour later terrified. I keep hearing noises. I freak out over every one of them. Why do I do it to myself?

I have lived alone (without other adults) now for a year and a half and I am still terrified at night. It doesn't help that the boyfriend scared the crap out of me this evening (not on purpose - but still!). Why am I so scared?

I need a pool boy to keep me from being scared at night. Thats a justifiable reason to need to hire a poolboy right? :)

I am going to crawl in bed with the boys now! Goodnight all.


Pray for You

I fell in love with this song. I loved it so much and I felt like it was so fitting that I had to share it with others.

This goes out to a "special" someone that will soon no longer be in any part of my life.

Song: Pray for you
Artist: Jaron & the long road to love

I havent been to church since I don’t remember when
Things were goin’ great ‘til they fell apart again
So I listened to the preacher as he told me what to do
He said you can’t go hatin’ others who have done wrong to you
Sometimes we get angry, but we must not condemn
Let the good Lord do His job and you just pray for them

I pray your brakes go out runnin’ down a hill
I pray a flowerpot falls from a window sill and knocks you in the head like I’d like to
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls
I pray you’re flyin’ high when your engine stalls
I pray all your dreams never come true
Just know whereever you are honey, I pray for you

I’m really glad I found my way to church
‘Cause I’m already feelin’ better and I thank God for the words
Yeah I’m goin’ take the high road
And do what the preacher told me to do
You keep messin’ up and I’ll keep prayin’ for you

I pray your tire blows out at 110
I pray you pass out drunk with your best friend and wake up with his and her tattoos

I pray your brakes go out runnin’ down a hill
I pray a flowerpot falls from a window sill and knocks you in the head like I’d like to
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls
I pray you’re flyin’ high when your engine stalls
I pray all your dreams never come true
Just know whereever you are, near or far, in your house or in your car,
wherever you are honey, I pray for you.

Hope your smiling now!!!!!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Las Vegas

Ok - I don't know where to begin on this trip. I had such a GREAT time. It was my very FIRST time to go on vacation without the kids. It was definitely an adult trip. As far as this blog goes I am just going to highlight a few things. Just know it was a blast and I really do remember most of it - and more than what I am blogging about :). I really wanted to post this so I could post some pictures. I am finally starting to post pictures on here!!! Now that I have a new camera.

My flight was leaving at 6am out of Indianapolis. I wanted to be there by 5am. Give me an hour to park, get through security and everything else. It is about a two hour drive if you drive the speed limit. I don't. So I left at 2:30 am to give myself wiggle room and time to get gas.

I was loaded up, and on my way. 2:30 am. It had started snowing and the roads were already covered. As I headed north it only got worse. But it was ok. I had plenty of wiggle room. THEN there was an accident. I sat behind a huge, nasty, loud and smelly semi-truck for almost an hour. I just knew I was going to miss my flight.

I called Airtran. The lady was nice and pleasant as I was crying (surprise, surprise). But all she could tell me is that I could fly standby on any other flight for no extra cost. But most of the flights for the day were beyond capacity (which meant they would have to put the extra people on the open flights - so they would all be booked).

So what was a girl to do? FLY herself to the airport. Thank God all of the cops were getting donuts and coffee that time of the morning! I got to the airport at 5:45. I HAD to park in short term parking ($18.00 a day!!!) and I high tailed it into the airport. I already had my boarding passes printed (THANK GOD!) and went right through security. Some people are so slow... but I made it anyway. Then I RAN (to the very end of the terminal of course!) to my gate. The lady had no sympathy. "But the plane is still there and the door is open" She still said no. The paperwork was already done. So I went across the hall to another woman. She was like - oh goodness sweetheart - of course you can get on the plane. So she reprinted the paperwork and told me to hand it to the person that was to meet me at the door. So I went to the door - it was the woman that told me no of course. I don't think she was happy. BUT I WAS :)

So I made it to Atlanta. Then I had a 4.5 hour layover. It wasn't all that bad. Relaxing compared to my morning. At some point I realized my flight was flight number 777! I was so stinking excited. I couldn't stop talking about it. I told everyone I could.

I got on my flight - a 4.5 hour flight. I was stuck in the middle between two men. It was so uncomfortable. No wiggle room, no arm room, no let room. I was squished. But luckily the two men were really nice. One bought me drinks (a bloody mary, mmmm) and then he offered to his buddies give me a ride to the hotel from the airport. They were there for the Nascar race (one for work) so they had a rental car. Don't worry - he was a nice guy. I took him up on it. Heck I needed to save some money to pay for the short term parking!!!

I got to the hotel. I was hot, sweaty and stinky. The lady at the desk told me the only rooms they had available were king size beds because it was not 3pm yet. I couldn't take one - but I was so tired. I had been up since 6am the day before (so for 36hrs!) and I stunk. I needed a shower and a nap. She was so nice. She gave me a room and told me that at three I could call to the desk and get a new room with two queens. It worked beautifully.

The rooms were AMAZING. I walked in the door for the first time and the curtains opened, the lights came on and the radio started playing. It was gorgeous.

So now on to the fun stuff.... Thursday night I took a big nap and then Leslie and Jess got to the hotel and then we got all showered and dressed and went out to meet up with some of Leslie's friends that were out there and leaving the next morning. We had a lot to drink. Leslie was recovering from her plane ride of drinks :)

Friday was a whole new day. We got up - got dressed and went to brunch. Somehow I don't remember much of what happened after that. We walked around. Saw things. We went back to the hotel and got dressed for the night.

We walked FOR FOREVER to go back to where we had just been so we could see the dueling piano bar. We had such a great time. I paid them to sing (two guys) happy birthday, Marilyn Monroe stlye, to Leslie. From that point on every song had Leslies name in it some how. We had so much fun. I discovered Dirty Martini's. That was trouble. Leslie's Andre showed up and hung out with us. We met one of the piano guys. He had a couple drinks with us and then we all went to sing karaoke. Thats where I don't remember everything. But I do know I sang karaoke!!!

Saturday rolls around. Up and at em early. Off to breakfast. Wait I think we might have slept in. I don't remember having breakfast. Or maybe I was just still feeling. Anyway we spent the day walking and shopping and walking and shopping. We got to see so much. We had such a great time.

Then it was time for the limo. Limo was picking us up at 6pm. We got all dressed and ready to go. We were smoking hot. Ok maybe not me but Leslie and Jess for sure! The limo driver was really late. Said there was some confusion on time. But we got in and started to head out. It started to rain. Everything we had planned on seeing was canceled. But don't worry. We still managed to have a blast!!! I somehow ended up falling asleep in the limo and never recovering from my nap until sometime Sunday morning :) I think I had food poisoning!

Sunday the girls had to get up and pack and leave. Andre came and picked them up and they headed to the airport. I had a little more time. Then packed and checked out of the hotel. I had 10 hours to do whatever I wanted to do with my time - by myself - with no hotel. A little scary. But I am a big girl and I was in VEGAS!!! So trust me I found plenty to do. I bought all of my souvenirs for everyone. I gambled. I walked. I ate. i took pictures. Then I was foolish and went back to the piano bar. Only cuz it was free and I could sit and be entertained. Met a whole table of ladies there and I joined them and we had another blast. They were great. I would go on in more detail but its late. Maybe Ill come back some time and edit this blog. Then I had to leave for the airport. I didn't want to but I did. Everything went smoothly.

I got on the plane and it all went downhill. I am not blogging about that right now though.... short version - obnoxious man behind me was obnoxious through entire red eye flight, kept me up all night and was arrested when we landed. I was kept awake again for 14 hrs then had an hour nap then up again for 9 hours and then slept an entire day :)

Oh i did want to say when i got home from the airport my sweetie came and surprised me. I was so so so excited. I had missed him so much and I didn't think I would see him until the next weekend.

So I am exhausted now and going to bed. Hope u enjoy the blog and the pictures. Good night.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day

I know some of you don't want to read about my date for valentines day - so if thats you stop reading now. I'm writing this because I want to. Not because you want me to :) But I still love you.

I am writing this because it really turned out to be such a romantic night. I enjoyed myself so much and I haven't had such a great valentines day in so many many many years.

The day was a jammed back day. Went to Louisville Friday night, stayed the night so I could get up and go to Connors birthday party. It started at 11am and I had to be back to Cincinnati by 2:30 p.m. At 3:15 the boys and I needed to be at Mass because the cubscouts were participating in the Mass. Then we had the Blue and Gold dinner for cubscouts right after mass - and straight from there I was to meet Pierre. And I was supposed to be dressed up. How was I going to accomplish all of this??? I didn't know - but I knew I could.

I had no idea where we were going for the night. It was a surprise. I used to like surprises... but I have now realized that I only like surprises that I don't know about. That I know about a month before its going to happen. A surprise that I don't know about ahead of time so that I don't spend most of my free times trying to figure out what the surprise will be. I like spontaneous surprises.

So it was a surprise. I was supposed be home at 6:45 for him to pick me up. I was going to have to leave the banquet a few min early but mom was there with boys. Turns out though that the dinner was over much earlier. We got home at 6.

Pierre showed up 30 min early. He was actually trying to surprise me by leaving my vday gift here and then leaving so I would get home and it would all be here. It didn't work out so well for him. But the thought was so sweet.

He walked through the door with a dozen red roses, a vase, vday balloon, Godiva chocolates (I swears hes sabatoging my diet so he can win our contest!!!) and a 2 litre of big red. Everything was for me - EXCEPT the big red. That was for mom. This was his first time meeting her. He wanted to get her something - like a bottle of wine... But mom doesn't really drink. EXCEPT for big red. LOL. So he got her big red. It was sweet.

We headed out. I still didn't know where we were going. I think he just loves driving me crazy. I think he loves watching me get frustrated and he loves the fact that I BEG him to tell me. But he is a stubborn ass and won't give in to telling me. I have completely lost my nack of talking anyone into anything.

He had made us dinner reservations ahead of time at Brio's. I was so excited. I had never been but had been wanting to go. I LOVE Italian. He doesn't so much, but he took us cuz its my favorite. I love that he puts me first. :)

The dinner was WONDERFUL. Not on my diet... I am sure that is partially why it was so good. :) After dinner we went to see a movie. We saw Dear John. It was very good... BUT very sad. This was the first time Pierre and I have been out to a movie together. Seems crazy. But it was. It was so nice to snuggle up with him. I will have to teach him to NOT try to predict the entire movie. LET ME WATCH IT!! (I love him anyway!)

Then he brought me home (well thats what is going in this blog anyway!!) He walked me in, kissed me good night and went home. It was such a nice night. I perfectly romantic evening.

This year I had a wonderful, simple, romantic valentines day.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

An Ordinary Friday Night

It was a Friday night. Not a Friday the 13th. Just a regular old Friday night. The boys and I had been out shopping. So far a great Friday night. For me. Maybe not so much for the boys. I need a girl to go shopping with :) So back to my Friday night. It was a Friday night. An ordinary Friday night. No rain. No snow. Maybe not even clouds. I wouldn't know. We pull into the driveway. Everything is ordinary. We get out of the van with our mega bags from shopping. Everything was ordinary. We walked to the front porch. THEN - All of the sudden - I noticed... I noticed our porch light was not on. It was off. Not on at all. Just off.

I NEVER EVER EVER turn my porch light off. So one might say - well maybe it was burnt out. But.... (de de de dunnnnn) it was one of those never burn out lights (or it takes like 5 yrs and I have only lived here a year and 4 months and 19 days and 2 hours and 26 min and 34 seconds). The only logical reason for this is that something was terribly wrong inside the house. Someone had to have broken in and turned out the light so no one would know what was going on. Someone had to have gotten into my house wrecked havoc upon my house, stolen all of my most precious valuables and my hamster and my alley cat. That was the only logical reason for the light to have been off.

What is a single mom to do? First - I panicked. Second - I panicked my kids. Third - I called the bf so he could at least be on the phone for when I went in and kicked butt. He wasn't answering. Fourth - I had Noah go to the neighbors next door. The big black man neighbor next door. Next thing I know I had three BIG black men with flashlights tearing through my house looking for the person that turned my front porch light off.

They ran into my front door like a SWAT team. They each had the others back. In through the living room, then the dining room and into the kitchen (I rearranged my house). They hollered out - "The backdoor is closed and locked." I hollered back "Great - please check the basement and upstairs!" Two went to the basement and the other up the stairs. All of my lights were off. All you could see were flashlights quickly flashing around each corner. Back up the stairs the two ran. Back down the stairs the other ran.

"All clear" they announced.

Nothing was missing. Nothing was destroyed. Alley Cat was safe. Chubbs the hamster was MISSING. (de de de dunnnnnnnn) Had they kidnapped Chubbs?!!! No. He has been missing since Wednesday. But I forgot until I got to this point in the story so I had to add the suspense in there.

I thanked the three big huge black men. They said NO PROBLEM. Anytime. They left and I locked the doors. I turned the porch light back on. APPARENTLY, it had been turned off. Everything was back to normal. We were safe. My house was safe. My precious valuables were safe. Alley Cat was safe. Chubbs would have been safe. So all was good. It was back to a normal, ordinary, safe Friday night.

Or so we thought. (de de de dunnnn) I wish I could record Noah's voice doing that and you could hear it on here. It would make for a much more suspenseful story.

I was in the kitchen - alone. All alone - or at least I thought I was. Suddenly I started hearing noises. These weren't just noises inside my crazy head... they were real noises. REAL NOISES.
It was like scratching. Scratching inside a wall. Like something was trying to get to me. SOMETHING or.... someone. It was loud. Very loud. I could tell it was coming from the pantry/refrigerator wall. CHUBBS!!! Chubbs was in the wall. He was ALIVE!!!

Before I go on... I have to backtrack a little to Wednesday night when he escaped for the 16th time in his short life of one year and one month of living with us. Chubbs has gone for almost six months without escaping. It had been a very quiet and undramatic six months for Chubbs. All was going as planned. Then he decided he was bored. He needed some action. Some drama. Some excitement. So he escaped.

It was a Wednesday night. I was in bed. The boys should have been but weren't. Noah was coming up the stairs. He saw Chubbs run across the hallway. At this point I need to tell you that his cage is downstairs, in the furthest corner of the house from the stairs. In order to be in the hallway he had to climb out of his cage, across the dining room, across the living room, up the three stairs to the the landing, turn to his left, go up the 12 steep stairs to get upstairs and to the hallway.

Noah tried to grab him but he ran. Ran fast. He was not finished with his excitement, his drama, his action. He was still looking for trouble. He ran into the bathroom. Into the linen closet, in the trap area under the bathtub. Under the bathtub is all open and unfinished. We knew at that point he was gone. Never would return. He was a goner.

Now back to Friday. CHUBBS IS ALIVE! CHUBBS IS IN THE WALL! I start screaming for the boys. Jonah is so excited. All smiles. Then.... then we realize he's in the wall. How the heck are we going to get him out? Jonah starts crying. Crying out - Mommy please get Chubbs. Please save him.

I didn't know what to do. So Jonah says call ****** (the bf). But I am thinking - what the heck is he going to do. He lives almost an hour away and has hid kids with him. At this point it was like 10 at night. But I called him. He didn't answer (what good is he anyway? didn't answer when someone logically probably robbed my house, now not answering when we are in the middle of a hamster crisis). So I called three or four more times. Still no answer. So I texted him and said "we need you. please call" Still no call.

The only logical next step is to call Mom. Mom - two hours away. But she is my hero. She knows how to do anything and everything. Mom knows it all. I call her. She chuckles. Can you believe that? She thinks Chubbs being stuck in the wall and her favorite grandchild under 9yrs crying hysterically is chuckable. After she pulls it together she tells me to see if there is an electric outlet that I can take off the wall and try to get him that way.

As I start to pull out the refrigerator to do this ****** (the bf) calls. FINALLY. It is about time. I calmly, hysterically explain to him the situation. Jonah is still hysterical in the background. He knows how serious the situation is and is on his way.

My job - listen for Chubbs to scratch and mark the wall EXACTLY where he is. This is a lot harder than what you think. But I did my best.

6 hours and 23 min later he shows up. Not really that long but he is slow and it felt like that. Seriously - after a lifetime of waiting he shows up. He comes in with nothing. Where is his plaster wall hole cutter outer? Where is his hamster rescue equipment? Where is his plaster to replaster and fix the wall? Where is it? He can't just drive here and do nothing. He is here to save a hamster's life for heavens sake!!!!

He whips out a multi-tool pocket knife. I GASP. What exactly does he think he is here for?!! We are not killing the hamster! We are saving him. He assures me it is only to cut a hole in the wall and he will do it slowly and meticulously (I so had to use spell check on that word!) so he would not stab Chubbs to death as he cut into the wall.

He began to cut - with every cut into the wall I Gasped with fear for Chubbs little life. After 15 painstaking minutes the hole was cut, the plaster dust was everywhere and there Chubbs was. Stuck in the wall. Jonah came in and rescued him from the wall. Jonah rescued his hamster. He was so so so excited. He held Chubbs for ever - well like 15 sec and then he was off to his computer... but I know he meant well. :)

All was back to normal. We were safe. My house was safe. My precious valuables were safe. Alley Cat was safe. CHUBBS was safe... until Sunday - when he escaped again. Luckily - ****** (the bf) did not patch the hole in the wall yet. This time when we found Chubbs in the wall we just got him right out.

It has been two weeks since the incident and he has only escaped two more times. Both times we got him back. We are keeping our fingers crossed.

An ordinary Friday night at the Odom house.

Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm So Excited....

I am SOOOO singing that in my head. Too bad thats the only line I know. LOL. I guess I could go look it up - but then it might really get stuck in my head. And I might drive people crazy.

Believe it or not this blog is going to be short. But I just wanted to post this because I'm So EXCITED (singing)!!!!

I just finished booking my hotel for Vegas. Flight was booked last week (thanks Les). I am going with my bestest, wonderfulest, amazingest, best friendest cousin Leslie and two other people that don't really count (LOL - jk). It is her 30th birthday. I can not wait to go. I have never been and I am going to have so much fun. I'm counting down the days.

But I am also even more excited because I have three more trips planned this year. I am turning 30 this year people - I have to make it a GREAT year so I will be off to a great start to my thirties!

So in Feb I am going to Vegas (already mentioned). In March I am going to Gatlinberg (its my sweetie's 40th!) Ok that sounded really cheesy but I am leaving it anyway! LOL. In July I am going to Walt Disney World (so looking forward to this with the boys!!! I already have my tickets!) and this fall - I am going to Europe with Leslie to celebrate my 30th. We are calling it our "been there, done that" trip. Going to Spain, Amsterdam, Paris, and whereever else we find time to go! :) We say we are going backpacking - but we all know Leslie and she couldn't backpack all of her cell phones and gadgets!!! LOL. Love Leslie.

Somehow in all of this I guess I have to figure out if I can make it to Houston to see you Windi. :) Maybe you should go to Walt Disney World with us. We can make mom go too. It would be so much fun and she would have all of her grandkids with her at walt disney world. It would be great since she never got to take us! (sorry that whole message was for Windi - hope she reads it! LOL)

Ok off to go pick up the boys.... I'm So Excited!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

To Dr. Phil or not to Dr. Phil....

I think I should write to Dr. Phil. I think I would be a perfect candidate for his psychoanalysis.

Last month I came to a realization. I realized that I am not normal. Ok - so I have known that for a while - lol. But seriously... I have this issue. And last month I realized that what was happening to me did not happen to everyone. I think Dr. Phil could help.

Not to talk about my ex again... but he really traumatized me for life in so many ways. Maybe its bad.... but maybe its good. Yes I always find a positive in EVERYTHING.

From the moment I met my ex... every - EVERY word out of his mouth was a lie. Seriously. I didn't know it. I was naive. Ok maybe stupid - but I prefer naive! I believed him. I trusted him. Why wouldn't I? Why would someone tell me he graduated from NorthWestern with a Bachelors degree in biology if they didn't? Why would someone tell me they had a full time job as a firefighter/emt if they didn't? Why would someone tell me they were in the Coast Guard Reserves if they weren't? Why would someone tell me they had a sister if they didn't? Why?

But he did. And that was only when we first met. It was all down hill from there. Everything that came out of his mouth was a lie of some sort. EVERYTHING. But enough about him. This blog is about me. ME. Not him. I am self absorbed (so Leslie tells me!)

So after 6 years of this I have found myself thinking everyone is lying. Everytime someone tells me something - I think - wait... don't just believe them... they are probably lying. Don't just trust what they say. Its not just guys I meet. Not just my boyfriend. Not just men. It's everyone. My kids. My boss. My friends. My kids school principal. My vendors. My attorney. My hairdresser. Everyone. They could tell me they saw a squirrel climb a tree in their backyard and I think to myself - "do you really think they did?"

I do this for everyone. It is so much a part of my life that I just assumed it was normal. That every did this. It has been so much a part of my life I can't remember not being like this. But I know I used to not be this way. If I had been I would have known the truth about my ex right away because I would have looked into things and not just taken his word for it.

So you might think - well this is good for you. You shouldn't be so naive. You shouldn't just trust everyone. This way you won't make the same mistakes. Which all would be great if that was all it did for me. But the issue is... it is now hindering my relationships. Not just with my boyfriend.. but with everyone.

Of course I really noticed it because of my boyfriend. When I first met him - everything he told me I checked in to. (I think I have told him that... lol... if not I'm sure he knows now!) He wasn't lying. Of course he wasn't. Why would he. Most people don't. But then it got the point of me not trusting in anything he said. Not believing him. But he has never given me a reason to doubt him. In fact he has gone out of his way just to prove himself to me because of my trust issue. He has been so patient and understanding but how long will he put up with it? Its becoming a real issue.

Over the summer I had a big issue happen at work. Really the big blow up ultimately consists of me not believing what they were saying. But why would they lie? They wouldn't. They are honest, sincere, professional people. But all I could think is that I am sure they have to be lying to me. Not telling me the truth because that is what everyone does. It was a huge issue.

I could go on and on with situations that this has really been hindering me. Why am I so cynical? I have never been this way before. I don't like this side of me - not at all. Why? How do I stop it?

This really feeds into my over analyzing issue. LOL. Which can be nothing but bad news!!!

I want to tell people - please put up with it... I can't help it... I was traumatized. I went through so much. But thats not fair either. They didn't do it to me. They have never given me reason to not trust them. Never. Yet I don't trust them. For the most part they have given me EVERY reason to trust them. Yet I still can't trust them. How long will people put up with this from me?

So do I ask them to deal with it because I am a "victim" of sorts. Or do I stand up and do something about. Do I fight back and work hard on overcoming this. Honestly - when I started to write this I seriously was struggling with what to do. But as I just typed this paragraph I realized what I have to do. I am not a victim. I am strong. I am a fighter.

Tomorrow will be day one of my fight against the fear that everyone is lying to me. Step one. Admitting. I can't wait to get started. Who wants to be my first? lol.

I promise this will be my last post that has anything to do with my ex for awhile. I am just starting to really deal with everything that happened during those years of my life. I am really trying to overcome it all and put it behind me for good. But I do have to deal with what happened and what it did for me. Some people may feel it was just lies. It was just fiscal irresponsibility. But trust me... it was bigger than all of that. It has damaged me. It has changed my entire way I view the world. But now its my responsibility to use it for the good. I will. I promise.

Wow. I'm Proud.

This post was to be written yesterday but I didn't get a chance - too busy with wrestling, reports and printing and homework. Nothing for me all for the kids. But that is why my life is so great. My boys.

Ok so my post. Yesterday I went to pay my car payment. I realized that I have had my car for one year. I have lived alone (with the boys of course) in my house for one year and 4 months. I have had the SOLE responsibility of all of my bills, the boys and myself for one year and 4 months.

Let me tell you why this is such a big deal. When I was married my bills didn't get paid. Our electricity was shut off at least three times. Our gas was shut off. Our water was shut off at one point. Our cable and satellite was shut off more times than I can count. We didn't even pay rent or mortgage or car insurance. Our car payment was late or not paid several times.

I was not in charge of paying bills. My ex-husband insisted on doing this. Period. I was, however, the only one that worked consistently at the same, great, full time job for 4 and half years and have never gone without a job except for the month that I first moved to Cincinnati and had to find a new job. He worked occasionally - but never held a job for even a year - while we were together.

I stayed in the marriage for too long because I was TERRIFIED I wouldn't be able to do it on my own. If I couldn't afford all of the bills now - with two people working and no house payment - how could I take this on all on my own? Also I didn't have a car so how would I get back and forth to work, grocery shop and get the kids where they needed to be when they needed to be there.

But enough was enough. I couldn't live in that situation any longer. The boys were going with out things just because my ex needed new shoes or to go out to dinner or to take a trip or to have satellite tv (whatever he spent all of our money on). So I did it. I figured out how to come up with enough money to have first months rent and deposit. I figured out how to have enough money to buy groceries and supplies for the house for when we first moved in. I found a house that would rent to me even though my credit had been shot. I figured out transportation. I was going to do this. It was probably one of the scariest things I have had to do. Scary because I had the boys. Because I would have sole responsibility. Scary because I had never lived on my own like that before. Never. Especially not with two boys that I had to raise and take care of on my own. I don't get child support. Every penny I get is earned. Everything was on me.

On Oct 10, 2008, I did it. I moved out. I moved into my own place. A house. A very cute house. Just down the street from the boys school. No car. Barely any money - but enough to pay first months rent and deposit. My electricity could not even be put in my name because my ex ran my bill up over 2,100 and I didn't know it and I didn't have the money to pay that off. So my landlord was kind enough to put it in his name.

Now - a year and four months later... I have a car. Have had a car for a year now. A nice car. A mini van with bells and whistles. I have my same job. I am still in my house. I have NEVER been late on my rent. I have NEVER been late on my car payment. I have NEVER been late on my electric, water or internet bills. I have NEVER been late on my car insurance. My kids are involved with every sports team they want to be involved in and cubscouts. All, of which costs money. I have been able to take them on vacation and have birthdays and Christmas's for them. All of this I have done on my own. All of it. I did it. I did it. I am still doing it. It feels so good. I am so happy.

Through this journey I have learned a lot about myself. Mostly I have learned I am a lot stronger than I thought I was. I have re-learned who I am and who I want to be. I was made to feel by my ex and his family that I couldn't do this on my own. That I was part of the problem for not having bills paid. That I needed them to be able to survive. Well I don't. I didn't.

People ask me if I regret meeting him. If I regret marrying him. I will be honest - I have felt that way. But - I remind myself that even though I struggled, even though it was not a good situation at all - I learned a lot from it. I became stronger. I have gained a lot because of it. Not because of him - but because I made the most of it, I held strong and I came out of it.

So today - I am proud of myself. Maybe I shouldn't be so proud. But today I am. Today I am patting myself on the back. I am strong, I can do anything I want to do and I deserve so much better than what he gave me. I can do it on my own. I am proud today.
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