Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bank Robbery

Tonite I am going to write about my involvement with a bank robbery.  It was early last summer, so this is a little outdated.  I had several requests for me to write about it.  Yes, seriously - several requests.  :)

It all started early last summer (as I mentioned two sentences ago).  It was a Friday night.  I was lying in bed.  It was around midnight, give or take a few minutes.  Chris mentioned that he had written a check that I knew I did not have enough money in the bank to cover.  I was panicked.  I demanded that he go to the ATM right that minute to put money in the account.  He refused.  Said we could go first thing in the morning before the banks opened.  I KNEW that would not happen.  So I decided I was going alone.

I threw a robe on (not the first time I have gone some where in my robe).  I got in my car and I was on my way.  I was STEAMING mad at this point.  I think my hair was smoking so much heat was coming out of my ears and every where else.  I was livid.  Chris was allowing me to leave the house at midnight to go to an ATM to put money in the bank.  It was his fault.  He should have been doing it.  I was mad.

I started driving.  The bank is about 20 blocks away.  Not too far.  I was on my way.  To put money in the ATM.  Because I was panicked.  I was livid and I was determined.  It was a beautiful night.  Warm outside.  As I was driving there were people out every where.  Just walking, sitting on porches, playing ball in the street.  It was around midnight.  Seemed a little odd.  But its Price Hill on a Friday night.  

In the back of the bank parking lot there is a large white retaining wall that divides the bank parking lot and another business parking lot.  I noticed to black men in white t-shirts crouching down behind the retaining wall.  I noticed them.  I thought at them for a moment.  I thought they were up to no good.  Probably some kind of drug deal.  But who cares.  Nothing I could really do.  They weren't bothering me.

I pulled into the parking lot.  I turned around the corner to the ATM.  There was a car in the lane for the ATM.  It was just sitting there.  Two people in the front seat.  The car was turned off.  I pulled up behind it but stayed a little back.  Then they started their car and drove off.  It seemed a little strange.  But who knows what was going on.  They were in a car parked right in front of a bank security camera.  What could they be doing?

I pulled up to the ATM.  My car was still in drive.  My foot on the brake.  I grabbed my purse to get the money and my ATM card out.  As I grabbed it I had this funny feeling.  Something wasn't right.  I looked in my rear view mirror.  I didn't see anything.  I looked in my side mirrors, nothing.  I went to put my car in park so I could roll my window down and climb half way out the window to get to the ATM.  I put it in PARK.  I put it back in DRIVE.  I felt so off.  I am always so freaking paranoid.  But I try to go with my guts.  I looked again in my rear view mirror.  I noticed one of the guys that had been crouching down behind the retainer wall was walking up the side walk.  No big deal.  That was far from me.  Then I looked in my side mirror.

There hiding behind the large trash can behind the building was the other guy.  Peeking around the trash can watching me.  As soon as I saw him he took off running towards me.  I gunned the gas.  I took off into the street.  Not even checking to see if cars are coming.  I was lucky.

I called 911 immediately.  The operator answers the phone.  "911 what's your emergency?"  I frantically and hysterically explain I was almost robbed at the ATM.  The operator for some odd reason believes I have been hurt.  He keeps saying "Ma'am are you ok? - Are you hurt?"  "Where I you?"  I explain to him - I was not robbed.  I was almost robbed.  I am not hurt.  I could have been hurt.  I am driving down the road.  I was at the Nat City ATM on Glenway next to Walgreens.  He says "Ma'am, you need to calm down.  I can't understand you."  So again - I explain everything.  He then wants me to DRIVE back to the Nat City to figure out what the cross road is called.  Because an officer may not know where the Nat City next to Walgreens is.  I know they would have known.  But he didn't care.  I could not believe I was driving back to the scene of this almost bank robbery that I was just involved in.  

The operator wants to know now that the "almost" robbers looked like.  I told him that they were african americans, wearing something white on their heads, white t-shirts and dark pants.  At this point I am driving back towards the bank.  I am almost hysterical at this point.  I was so upset and so scared.

I see the two guys walking down Glenway towards Rosemont.  So I tell the operator right away.  He confirms - walking on Glenway from Sunset towards Rosemont.  Then I turn onto the side street next to the bank.  I saw two more black guys wearing white tshirts, white things on their heads and dark jeans.  So I explain to the operator that they are now on (whatever the side street name is) st heading away from Glenway.  Then I turn on to the next street on my way home and notice two more black guys wearing white things on their heads, white t-shirts and dark pants.  I explain to the operator that I see two more - I explain that they are everywhere.  I don't know where they are.  I am scared.  Just send the officers.  

The operator asks me for my phone number and address so the officer could reach me if he needed.  Then he asked me to drive home and calm down.  He then hangs up.  I drive home.  I am shaking and all upset.

I turn on to our street.  I realize all of this is Chris's fault.  I pulled in the drive way.  Jumped out of the car.  Ran upstairs.  Drug Chris out of bed.  I demanded that he goes back up there with me.  I MUST put the money in the ATM.  I tell him what happened.  I am still in tears.  But I am angry at this point.

Chris decides he needs to take a knife.  A kitchen butcher knife.  I was like "what the hell".  He said it was for protection.  We went outside to go.  But the kids were in bed.  Luckily our neighbor Elyse was outside smoking a cigarette.  She notices I am in a panic and asked if there was something wrong.  I explain I was involved in a bank robbery and had to go back up there.  Can she listen for the boys.  

She says yes only if Chris put his knife away.  Then Eddie - Elyse's boyfriend shows up  out of no where.  Chris tells him I was involved in a bank robbery.  Eddie grabs his gun and insists on following us.  At this point things are a little out of control.  But - I needed to put my money in the ATM.  So I could care less.  Just get me to the ATM.

So we drive.  Eddie follows.  As we are driving there is not a sole outside.  Not even a cop car driving around.  We pull into the bank parking lot.  No one is there.  I am constantly looking around.  Nothing.  Chris does his thing.  Nothing going on.

We leave and we come home.  We go to bed.  My money was in the bank.  I was happy.

That is the story of how I was involved in a bank robbery.  I was a victim.  It was very traumatic.  

Tomorrow I will have a more up to date blog.  Have a good night.

1 comment:

  1. That IS scary... but your stories, even scary ones, still make me giggle a bit. I love your blog! I hope all is well :)


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